Sunday, May 31, 2009

Obama Is Indeed a Christian

In a Yahoo group that I'm a member of, someone pasted, 

Psalm 34:6
"A cry goes up from the poor man, and Yahweh hears, and helps him in all his troubles."

...and someone replied...

"LOL!!!  If that were true, no man would be poor!!!"

Well, that depends on what is meant by "helps him in all his troubles".

Like Obama, the "god" of the bible want's everyone to be equally poor, destitute and utterly dependent on his system for survival. Meritocracy is "mean spirited" because the desire for autonomy and self reliance is the root of all evil, and led to "the fall". So be like those lillies and birds and stop toiling and just be a believer! Because "god" will provide!

"god" brings change you can believe in!


And like "god", Obama will leave us with a debt that cannot be paid by We The People,  an obligation that wasn't necessary, was his plan, not ours, and that we didn't ask for nor desired, and yet his system only has power because WE empower it and yet pretend to be it's slaves. 

Like Jesus throwing himself on "god's" sword, will Obama commit political suicide in order to leave We The "Vulgar" (Latin for "common man") with an obligation for endentured servitude forever and ever, amen? 

'Seems that way. 

(And for some reason the people who call themselvs "sheep" still wonder why Marxist regimes considered organized religions direct competion for the "souls of men".)

Lucis Ferre

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