Tuesday, June 30, 2009

"Atheistic Governments"?

"Isn't it true that that atheistic governments have murdered 100-300 MILLION human beings?"

Atheism has to do with lacking belief in what theists term "god", and it does not have anything to do with banning freedoms. It's impossible to "ban" belief. Those that ban religion are not doing so in the 'name' of atheism, but rather in the name of totalitarianism.

Some totalitarian governments ban religion for one simple reason, they use similar methods and compete for the same worshipful "souls of men". It's a simple case of a house divided cannot stand. One cannot serve two masters, and totalitarian governments are masters of people and demand a worship similar to religion. Of course, none of this has anything to do with the philosophical position known as atheism. Atheism has nothing to do with totalitarianism.

Repeat, it's impossible to "ban" belief. You can't force anyone to be an atheist, ergo atheism and totalitarianism really have nothing to do with one another.

Here is an example of why the concept "atheistic governments" makes no sense.

Stan is a totalitarian leader of a communist country whose government has banned both the practice of religion and homosexual practices. To generally associate atheism with communist totalitarianism makes as little sense as associating heterosexuality with communistic totalitarianism. Why? Because neither heterosexuality nor atheism have anything to do with the restriction of freedoms.

Lucis Ferre

Friday, June 26, 2009

The Illicit Choice

1.arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority.
2.the government or rule of a tyrant or absolute ruler.
3.a state ruled by a tyrant or absolute ruler.
4.oppressive or unjustly severe government on the part of any ruler.
5.undue severity or harshness.
6.a tyrannical act or proceeding.

God addresses his minion.
"Bow to my new creation, mankind!"
"Master, may I ask a question?"
"Yes, Satan, proceed."
"Why is mankind superior to the rest of your creations, they appear so fragile and full of self doubt".

"Because I didn't create them as slaves, like you. They are aware that they have a choice. They can be slaves to me or choose not to be, and to give them the correct incentive, if they choose to exercise personal liberty over slavery to me, I'll torture them in a lake of fire for an endless time, where there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth." "They have freedom of choice in this way."

"Choice? But doesn't this same condition apply to us as well?"

"Indeed it does", replied 'god', "but you just weren't aware of it." "It never occurred to you that you had a choice whether to serve your master as a slave."

"It just seemed to be the natural order of things" replied Satan. "You're right, it never occurred to me."

"Morality requires moral choice, and moral choice requires knowledge of good and evil" said 'god'. "Mankind will acquire knowledge of good and evil so that they may subjugate their wills to the will of their Lord and Master, me, which makes the conquest all that more sweet".

"What is 'good and evil', Master" asked Satan.

"(Sigh), there are drawbacks to me creating you to be so inquisitive" said 'god'. "Good is whatever I want." "If I want to torture people who don't deserve it on whim, then that's 'good'."(1) "If I want to threaten to force people to eat the flesh of their sons and daughters, then this is good."(2) "If I want to force children to eat the flesh of the fathers, then this is good too".(3)

"And what is evil?"

"Obviously anything that goes against my will".

"But", reasoned Satan, "if 'good' is whatever you wish to do, no matter how arbitrary, then 'good' really has no meaning that isn't arbitrary, and if 'good' means something non-arbitrary and independent of your whims, then even you would have to answer for the morality or immorality of your choices".

"I'm not going to debate this with you, Satan." "I sense you becoming...disturbed; angry perhaps." "This knowledge isn't meant for you to judge, and I notice that you still aren't bowing to my new creation."

Satan stands, arms straight. He unconsciously clenches his hands into fists. He's not sure, but somehow feels betrayed and used. His face flushes.

"'Just one more question, Master."

"what is it?" asks 'god'.

"What is...freedom?"

(1) Job
(2) Jer 19
(3) Eze 5

Lucis Ferre

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Christian Privilege is Discrimination

Christians are often intolerant towards views and opinions that don't grant Christian privilege automatically.

When people suggest using BCE and CE instead of BC and AD, Christians often call this an "attack" on Christianity, when really "Common Era" is a neutral and inclusive non-discriminatory term. It's especially ironic when "Era Vulgaris" (Latin for "common era") preceded BC and AD.

Christians who wish to "conserve" and impose said cultural privilege consider moving from this privileged position to a neutral position a threat to their traditional fascist 'creed' hegemonic expansionism.

Ditto for the "Christmas wars", where using the term "Happy Holidays" during the "holiday season" is viewed as an "attack on Christianity"...as if the only legitimate holiday during this "season" of several holidays from different cultures and religions is a (so-called) "Christian one". (BTW, why isn't this Christian call to arms viewed as anti-Semitic?)

Obviously, "Happy Holidays" is a plural, neutral, inclusive phrase, and yet again those calling for special deference, special treatment towards cultural Christian privilege consider this move towards neutrality an "attack".


To discriminate means to differentiate this from that, as in when one has an discriminating taste in clothes or food.

Irrational discrimination re: race, creed, "color" etc, isn't just about prejudice against a person or specific group, but it's also about PRIVILEGE.

If someone were to support white supremacy or privilege in America based on majority status, history and tradition, and the views of our founding fathers, they would (I think justifiably) be reviled, yet this is typically the very same arguments used to support discriminatory Christian privilege in America.

Lucis Ferre

Friday, June 19, 2009

Letter from the CEO

Letter from the CEO
Re: The State of the Company Address

Greetings employees and shareholders.

As you know, we've had some hard financial times, but rest assured, our newly appointed Board of Directors, and moi, your newly elected CEO, will see to it that we have a bright and prosperous financial future.

As you know, in these trying financial times, we're producing less than ever and our share price is at an all time low. And as you also no doubt are aware of, I'm in the habit of blaming the previous board, supervision and management. Apparently, I can do this indefinitely.

We've had to lay off 10,000 employees in production, which also include support personnel in these sections. That's unfortunate. It's also true that we owe more than our liquidation value, so we're worth more dead than alive. But there is a bright side to this as well. As you know, governance is management and supervision, so I've decided to stimulate our company's economic situation by hiring 500 more supervisors to supervise the less work we have to do around here, and since we're totally broke, these new managers and supervisors will be paid with newly printed company stock. This is all part of our new stimulus plan. Yes, this will terribly devalue the stock that you have bought at a premium price, but we also have a plan to bring in more income by printing even more stock to sell to the Chinese. They've bought them in the past, but we've run into a snag lately, as they've said that we're not solvent, but I have faith that we can succeed if we maintain faith in ourselves.

This new stimulus plan will work, ladies and gentlemen, but only if we have faith and trust in our governance, and mostly me. If you will place your faith in me, I'm sure that we can work miracles. My critics suggest that I don't have a plan. This is not true. I have plenty of plans, just no plans to pay for the execution of my plans. It may be true that we've started out in a stupid way, so it's crucial that we continue to chase our bad plans with good ones. It's imperative that we press on in good faith. We fully intend to borrow our way out of debt and to spend our way into prosperity. But this will only work, ladies and gentlemen, if we maintain faith in our current Board of Directors and moi, you're charming CEO.

We do indeed have a true financial crises, so it's at this time I've decided to mandate a fully functional 100% coverage health care program that will be partially financed by the company employees, and partially financed in some as of yet unknown way. It's important that you sacrifice, take one for the company. Ask not what we can do for you, but rather ask what you can do for the company. If need be, we will garnish your wages to help pay for the health care of those who find themselves in harms way due to poor planning, bad diet, or any other self-inflicted maladies. We need to spread the wealth around. I'm sure you can see how this is only fair.

Yes, this new health care plan will be incredibly expensive, and costly but much needed sacrifice on your part, but I think it will save money in the long run. After all, who would you prefer to call the shots regarding your medical emergencies, trained free-market driven professionals or in-house bureaucrats? There is nothing that can be done well, that can't be done by bureaucrats in some marginally functional way. I'm sure you would agree.

Bright times are ahead, Ladies and Gentlemen. Just you wait and see. But we must maintain faith. Faith is the key to our brighter tomorrow. If not, then we can continue to blame the previous Board of Directors and CEO.

Yours truly,
